Reply to post: What? Again? Really?

Stop us if you've heard this one: Apple's password protection in macOS can be thwarted


What? Again? Really?

I remember that I changed to Mac because every time I opened my PC there was a Windows Patch update daily AGAIN.

Can the Author or any reader (who can read), name a single technological/digital item that is 100% unlockable when it’s unlocked?

Q/. If I don’t lock a banana in my desk drawer when I walk away and I come back to find the banana has been hacked & is not there, is it...

(A). Because someone opened my drawer and removed it, when I should have locked the drawer.

(B). Because I needed a coffee

(C). Because I should have put it in a ‘Window(s) Box’ instead (see what I did there? Huh? Oh my Mum would have been so proud.

Anyway, I trust the Windows Surface carrying Nerd with a Tshirt of an Android robot peeing on an Apple (I always wondered who bought those), understands that my Mac is still more secure than his open source because I didn’t install Windows!

Can anyone tell if he wound me up? Huh? Huh? Signing off now, need to get locks for my Windows, since they can be opened from the inside after I open the door to get in!

PS: Your socks don’t even match and you live with your Mum.

Done this time and feeling much better now.

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