Reply to post: Re: There are no specs because the UK's trade agreement hasn't been negotiated with the EU yet

MPs sceptical of plan for IT to save the day after UK quits customs union


Re: There are no specs because the UK's trade agreement hasn't been negotiated with the EU yet

"The good people of Kent are looking forward to the day when both the M2 and M20 southbound are fully parked up with lorries waiting to clear Customs. The northbound lanes will be delightfully clear. "

Well there's your answer staring you right in the face then. Simply move all the lorries queued up on the southbound lanes onto the empty northbound ones. Problem solved! The French can then let all the lorries queued up on their northbound lanes use their clear southbound lanes to relieve the congestion on their side too. See - told you this was going t be easy!

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