Reply to post: Re: I hope that he wins

Memo man Damore is back – with lawyers: Now Google sued for 'punishing' white men

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I hope that he wins

>regressive liberal narrative which is destroying companies

This is ridiculous hyperbole. They are doing perfectly well financially.

It is however perfectly fair to describe their culture as being directly responsible for destroying civil debate in society. Not blindly agreeing with our supposed "betters" on an ever increasing variety of subjects is now wrongthink. If it is easily demonstratable that our "betters" are factually incorrect (or worse incapable of basic logic or math) then that's double plus ungood thoughtcrime. The expression of throughtcrime is punished by gangs of vigilanties operating outside of and in contempt of the law.

This has led to moderate civil debate being largely eliminated, which let one side do pretty much whatever they wanted to for a while without much in the way of question. With moderate opinion sucessfully supressed, they continued advancing well beyond the point of prudence until encountering opposition. This led to Brexit in the UK, and Trump in America. Both are simple reactions to pushing people too far and are largely deserved by the people who have been pushing dangerously flawed agendas.

An intelligent person at this point would reflect that this has been a phyrric victory and try to build up the moderates before things society breaks down totally, but the inherent problem in gangs and mobs is that they aren't accountable or controllable and have the collective IQ of the lowest member, which means that they probably aren't intelligent enough to spot the problem.

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