Reply to post: Re: There are no specs because the UK's trade agreement hasn't been negotiated with the EU yet

MPs sceptical of plan for IT to save the day after UK quits customs union


Re: There are no specs because the UK's trade agreement hasn't been negotiated with the EU yet

But of course we can develop a full featured solution ready for Brexit despite having no idea what it will need to do until a few instants before Brexit. And all the companies which will use it will be able to make all their own systems compatible with it in the same amount of time.

After all, our wonderful government has stated that it will happen, so that proves it.

Don't listen to all that carping about the 'real world' - a Minister's casual comment overrides mere physical reality. Good grief, next you'll be saying that the NHS is in crisis merely because there's people dying on trolleys waiting for treatment, despite the prime minister clearly stating that there isn't a problem.

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