Reply to post: Unprofessional Irresponsible Self-Aggrandisement

Meltdown, Spectre: The password theft bugs at the heart of Intel CPUs


Unprofessional Irresponsible Self-Aggrandisement

I hope the jerks who made this public are patting themselves on the back and smugly basking in their new-found fame.

These vulnerabilities have lurked around for 20-30 years, without causing anyone any problems, since the average dopey hacker is clueless about silicon architecture, or how it handles branching in cache execution.

Now, thanks to these self-serving idiots, the world is in turmoil, with Intel users wondering how long before the parasites put together a few hacks - based on the suggestions also published with the disclosure - and give them to a botnet to execute.

It doesn't bother me, since all our stuff runs on Sun SPARC, but it occurs to me that there should be a law or, at least, a protocol, whereby people like Intel get the results of such reports in secret, and the dirt isn't made public until there's a fix in-place.

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