Reply to post: Re: Unfortunately congress is dysfunctional

US Senators force vote on Ctrl-Z'ing America's net neutrality death

veti Silver badge

Re: Unfortunately congress is dysfunctional

Currently, the legislative branch is rendered impotent by the bitter factionalism that makes it politically toxic to try to reach any kind of accommodation with "the other side".

I'm not sure how much of that can be laid at the door of the executive branch. Certainly Trump personally has played a part, but more in his capacity as a media whore and talking head than as president. Opposition polarized pretty badly under Clinton and Bush, then the Republicans went absolutely apeshit against Obama, and the sentiment has been pegged in that position since.

Whether it would have been this way under a sane Republican president I'm not sure, but I'm inclined to suspect it wouldn't have been that different. Certainly the Reps showed no sign of softening towards Hillary, when they thought she was going to win - and I didn't notice the Dems giving much quarter to Cruz or Rubio either.

I'm not sure what the cure is, or if there is one. But if there is one, it will definitely involve major campaign finance reform.

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