Reply to post: Re: Dear Mr Musk....

Whizzes' lithium-iron-oxide battery 'octuples' capacity on the cheap

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Dear Mr Musk....

not just Elon's money, but EVERY! LAPTOP! COMPUTER! MAKER! and EVERY! PHONE! MAKER!

This is the best news in battery tech since the announcement of Aluminum in lieu of Lithium a couple of years ago [I remember reading about it on El Reg].

But if the batter is MORE STABLE (particularly with respect to gassing, a problem I've had to deal with in hardware I've been working on), then it's even MORE awesome!

yeah, nothing good happens when your aging LiPo batteries look like pillows...

[the other day I accidentally shorted one and it swelled up like a balloon in about 5 seconds, got hot enough to melt plastic - I put it under running water and it shrank down flat almost as quickly, but couldn't hold a charge any more]

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