Reply to post: Re: $700 versus $25

Big shock: $700 Internet-of-Things door lock not a success

Mark 85

Re: $700 versus $25

Well.... some engineers/programmers will make a few dollars. Some assemblers will make very few dollars. Sales, execs will pocket big bucks in bonuses and shares. Shareholders will have maximum value returned. All this will make some people very rich and will help make America great again....

However, I'm with you. Reality says... why indeed buy any "electronic" lock? A lock is only as good as the door and framing around it and history has shown that even strongest castles could be taken by a determined foe. Oh, and windows are a big weakness. So we take some precautions and do what we can as total, unbreakable security is a myth. Even sitting in one's house with a loaded shotgun 24/7 isn't a guarantee. Home Depot/Lowe's are my friends...

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