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UK security chief: How 'bout a tax for tech firms that are 'uncooperative' on terror content?

Hans 1

Wallace justified the semi-proposal by saying that companies "will ruthlessly sell our details to loans and soft-porn companies but not give it to our democratically elected government".

I admit, I read up to there, then my eyelids closed, I was trying to suppress as I had company around me and laughter was not really an option, could not stand it any langer so I escaped here to the comments section .... ahhhhhh

My response to Mr Wallace: Your democratically elected government, or so you call it, that gets elected on lies, scaremongering and more, evil, lies, like all previous British governments for as long as I can remember, and I am not young, has absolutely NO F* RIGHT to get hold of more citizen's data than is ABSOLUTELY necessary for the task that is yours, governing. We have already seen your administration leave details of millions of citizens on some disk or USB key in a train or wherever for anyone to grab, thank you very much. You will notice that pr0n sites are quite a bit better at keeping data safely, not that I would want them to have it in the first place, mind. Besides, your democratically elected government has vowed to do away with the ECJ, the only independent judicial authority in the UK today, but even that is nothing, WORSE, your PM has OPENLY admitted to having a different "interpretation" of what encompasses Human Rights, compared to other European Democracies ... so, no, excuse my English, F* OFF!

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