Reply to post: You have no right to know..

Astroboffins say our Solar System could have – wait, stop, what... the US govt found UFOs?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

You have no right to know..

Let us just suppose someone told you "Hey human, you are not alone, you never have been!" What are you going to do with that information? What if 'they' told you some of your favourite bits of religious text were actually down to them?..and showed you proof? What would happen to humans urge for innovation and discovery if someone suddenly gave them a copy of Encyclopedia Galatica?

Are 'they' going to want to talk to you, help you ..or just observe? Do you think you will get nice new technology when you clearly cannot manage the technology you have now?

Can you explain all of the underlying science that enables your TV receiver to display sound and pictures? Okay, now explain that to your dog. Now imagine you are the dog.

Don't you have a mortgage to pay, a president to impeach, oceans to clean? Move along now, nothing to see; it was a weather balloon.

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