Reply to post: At Nick Kew...

Firefox 57's been quietly delaying tracking scripts

Shadow Systems

At Nick Kew...

Oh yes, I'll just go submit a bug report through that completely inaccessible web portal then shall I?

Been there, tried that, the submit button always reports as unavailable & thus prevents me from letting them know anything about the issue.

My frustration & anger isn't directed at you, it's at Mozilla specificly & webdevs in general.

There might be some tick box in the installer, a command line argument I can invoke, some sacraficial chicken in the dead of night to my favorite Elder God I can ululate to in order to get it to work, but since it didn't work "out of the box" then it's a failure of the program rather than the person attempting to use it.

If I launch an installer & the installer says "Nope. Fek off!" then I'm at an impasse - I can't see what it's (not) doing in order to fix it, to work around the hurdle, or even figure out what the hurdle might be. If the installer doesn't give a specific error code for me to research, then all I have to go on as a search term is "Nope. Fek off!" which isn't helpful at all.


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