Reply to post: Re: Ah Eudora

'Please store the internet on this floppy disk'

Steve the Cynic

Re: Ah Eudora

What do you mean, that's too slow? How fast can you read and/or type?

My late wife once tested at 85-90 words per minute touch typing. (That is, copying from a printed page to a word processor document without once looking at the screen OR the keyboard. She did point out that if the printed document had poor grammar and/or spelling, she went slower, which indicates to me that she was reading chunks larger than words.) Granted, assuming an average of 7 characters per word plus a space, that's around 600 characters per minute, or ten a second. On an 8N1 link, that's 100 bits per second. So yeah, 2400 is more than fast enough.

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