Reply to post: Re: Sigh... it's geographical as well a geopolitical, innit.

Kaspersky dragged into US govt's trashcan as weaponized blockchain agile devops mulled

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Sigh... it's geographical as well a geopolitical, innit.

And we can also reverse the whole argument.


'It’s simply inconceivable that a American company would say ‘no’ to an approach by the NSA'

'it would be reckless to refuse,' says the former GCHQ chief. 'So, this is not so much about cyber but about authoritarian state control and corruption.'

But really thats just word play.

What is of greater concern is the simple fact that the US by seeing Kaspersky as a hostile cyber weapons system implies that American products are also to be seen as cyber weapons.

As an Australian, I see the American threat of commercial espionage as more damaging, persistent and likely.

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