Reply to post: Giving to short targets and schedules

So you're 'agile', huh? I do not think it means what you think it means


Giving to short targets and schedules

Yeah, I suspect that you understand how a Product Backlogs work. Look up the “Iceberg Model” (and Epics->Features->Stories). Sounds like your Backlog is a “Sea of User Stories”?

But really?!.. Rigid inflexibility is better, is it? Dogmatic adhesion to a bad plan? Blind obedience in the face of overwhelming evidence because our (religious) leader said so?

There are only 3 roles in Scrum… So, if the Product Backlog isn’t being prioritized to maximise business value, who is to blame?...

Hint: It isn’t going to be the Framework or Methodology.

Stronger hint: Neither is it going to be the Scrum Master or Developer (unless they are staying quiet when they know they should be saying something – see Principles of “Self-Organisation” and “Continuous Improvement”).

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