Reply to post: People shared understanding and planned what to do even without formal stand up meetings.

So you're 'agile', huh? I do not think it means what you think it means

Paris Hilton

People shared understanding and planned what to do even without formal stand up meetings.

If you were doing it anyway, why then the complaint about codifying these approaches and putting them in the public domain? Sounds rather like those who complained about the King James Bible being written in English (instead of Latin)? Sharing it with the “common people”, eh?

Perhaps it is because you want to keep this near-religious experience all to yourself, and continue to be treated like a deity? That Super Programmer who walks on water? ;)

Also seems strange that you complain that time is being wasted, but then complain about a technique proven to reduce wasted time… You don’t actually have to stand for a Daily-Scrum if you don’t want to. (The standing-up part actually comes from XP!) But, if you’re struggling to keep to that 15-minute Time-box, why not try standing?.. The clock doesn’t lie.

As regards the frequency of the “inspection”, Daily Planning does not preclude longer-term Planning – or hadn’t you understood that? The fact is, if there is some serious impediment or some exciting opportunity/Emergent Design to exploit, would meeting less frequently help or hinder your progress?..

Remember also that a time-box is a MAXIMUM (not a MINIMUM). So, if you have nothing much to say today, you should be able to wrap up the Daily Scrum inside 2 minutes! (Almost no time wasted, and way less than the amount of re-work created by not talking to each other enough!)

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