Reply to post: Re: Despair over Brexit and Trump?

Tired of despairing of Trump and Brexit? Why not despair about YouTube stars instead?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Despair over Brexit and Trump?

"are about to elect an accused child molester into the US Senate."

If I accuse YOU of child molesting, with no evidence to support my claims, should THAT make a difference as to whether or not YOU get hired?

Exactly. It should NOT. Accusations are just that - accusations.

I say this: if he's GUILTY, then INDICT. Otherwise, STFU. It's most likely NOT true, on that basis alone, I say.

besides - 16 is "age of consent" in many U.S. states, LIKE Alabama, and NOT "child molestation". [that would imply actual pedophilia, which is recognized as an attraction to PRE-pubescent children, not teenagers - that would be different - though certainly illegal if sexual contact is made]

Also, in at least one high profile case, the claims against Judge Moore includes a FORGED MESSAGE (and signature) in a yearbook. INfamous attorney Gloria Allred won't release it for forensic analysis, either. Suspicious, much? Does THAT not point to the "fake claim" nature of the situation?

Yeah, liberals and lefties *LOVE* to use emotion-bombs 30 days out from an election to sway people's votes. It's "matter of course" for these *MANIPULATIVE* *BASTARDS*.

All of these "new moralists" and SJW's and the hypocritical fake-concern about "the children" makes me reach for the pink liquid again...

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