Reply to post: Re: epitome of class, decorum, and what a Leader should be

HMS Queen Lizzie formally joins the Royal Navy


Re: epitome of class, decorum, and what a Leader should be

"what a Leader should be"

I had it from a member of the Team Trump that the Japanese command "Tora! Tora! Tora!" as heard in the movie of the same name, was actually pidgin Spanish, and the Japanese aircrew making that statement had seen the only example of the she-bull that the Pentagon was reportedly breeding at the time. It had escaped from its pen and was wandering the roads of Pearl Harbor and he shouted it to his crew and the others in his flight who were also pretending to be Mexicans and supposed to be speaking pidgin Spanish ... they forgot and attacked.

Just imagine if they had caught the she-bull in time! (The she-bull sports an impressive udder. It is udderly awesome.)

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