Reply to post: Re: A little OTT

Spy-on-your-home Y-Cam cameras removes free cloud storage bit


Re: A little OTT

If you firewall the camera then that cannot happen anyway.

...and if you *don't* firewall the camera already you've got a dodgy old version of Linux/BusyBox on the open internet with (at least in some versions) a hard-coded root password. These things are almost all RALink (MIPS arch) SBCs with a webcam core on the USB port. DDoS or spam zombies just waiting to be recruited, aside from the privacy implications.

On the other hand, they're perfectly fine on a closed LAN streaming to a Raspberry Pi type[1] SBC which motion detects and encrypts before uploading to the 5Gb S3 bucket AWS gives you for free.

[1] Not an actual Raspberry Pi. Rubbish Ethernet. A Banana Pi or an OLinuXino A20 or one of the Nano Pis.

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