Reply to post: what is a contract?

Spy-on-your-home Y-Cam cameras removes free cloud storage bit


what is a contract?

They said: "companies are entitled to change their Terms and Conditions and do so all the time.."

Well, I'm not sure that works in the EU. If you agree to the T&C's than surely their is an implied contract whereby you agreed to the T&C's in return for a device/service?

I thought that under EU law customers can enforce by filing a suit or arbitration case if they can show they were actually harmed by a breach of the term. Of course, the company can, in return, just cancel the service provision.

It seems that nothing is free and the lawyers always win either way.

I have bought a lot of Chinese cameras and they still seem to have FTP etc. Of course you can always use a RPi zero and camera and roll your own....

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