Reply to post: Re: Two sides to the coin

Report: Underwater net cables are prime targets for terrorists and Russia

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Two sides to the coin

So it is debatable whether sub-sea cables would be a terrorist target -

I doubt that it is even debatable - terrorists have always preferred to attack high profile soft, fleshy targets, rather than either commerce or infrastructure. There's more than enough people *cough* who could quickly conjure up a strategy to systematically attack Western water, power, gas, telecoms infrastructure in attacks which would be very effective, cheap and risk free for the attackers. But that isn't what terrorists want. Even the IRA only played around with infrastructure attacks a couple of times, weren't very successful, and went back to their traditional low-rent methods of blowing up policemen and prison officers.

Clobbering my electricity for a day merely means I have to enjoy fresh air and daylight, and eat salad (obviously that last bit is a worst case). Chopping an undersea cable means people will have to rely on more local grumble servers. And many of these infrastructure system are surprisingly resilient for those who don't know them well. In a war scenario I can these would be targets, but invoking "terrorism", nah, that's just lazy headline grabbing by the "think tank" authors who should know better. In this case, it's looking more like a "Don't think hard enough tank".

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