Reply to post: Re: Irony

Guilty: NSA bloke who took home exploits at the heart of Kaspersky antivirus slurp row

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Irony

@lordminty "So Kaspersky are under fire because they are Russian" there FTFY.

Russians are the default fallback for civil distraction from the local problem created by western Governments and have been since the great depression.

If you live in the west then you must have seen it, "lost everything that you had to slave for and your family is homeless and starving? found out your government is corrupt and are making more efforts to curtail your freedoms than your country's official enemies? forget that we all need to pull together the Russians are coming. It has been like a broken record my whole life.

The current US government have a lot of things they need to distract their citizens from thinking about and the old "better dead than red" has always worked so well in the past.

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