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The six simple questions Facebook refused to answer about its creepy suicide-detection AI

Phukov Andigh Bronze badge


so think about it. If you WERE suicidal, and you KNOW youve got some creepy system "looking" for you, what do you do?

you STOP using that system. You censor yourself. you WITHDRAW.

even the belief such a system is in place will keep those most likely to actually kill themselves (as opposed to attention whores and drama queens and politics driven fearmongers) will NOT want some system interfering.

The ones we need to reach the most, will not be there to reach. that last link to the outside world they may have maintained, will be self-cut.

Tho maybe FB is looking more for potential people who will be LEAVING FB. Ive heard deleting accounts called "facebook suicide" a bunch of times. When I killed my first account, I had people I knew in meatspace get all "concerned" like I'd already tried "down the road not across the street".

And that is really creepy. Cutting oneself from an ad spam political/emotional manipulation machine is considered BAD in today's society? Yikes.

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