Reply to post: Re: Until (or unless) you can *show* people that whole creepy picture of *themselves*

Surveillance Capitalism thinks it won, but there's still time to unplug it

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Until (or unless) you can *show* people that whole creepy picture of *themselves*

Amen to that!

I once showed someone who wasn't worried about his Linked-In account the "other side" of that website - the side where companies pay for access to the profile data. As soon as he saw how they had linked everything together - where he worked, what technology they used, who he purchased from, all his business and personal relationships, and on and on, he started to grasp the extent of the spider web, and his own personal contribution to building that web.

What we really need is to demand to see our profiles on these services.It would scare the shit out of people to see just how accurate, in-depth and detailed you can get when you start combining self-generated data with what you can buy from the other data brokers.

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