Reply to post: Re: password vs pass-phrase

Don't shame idiots about their idiotically weak passwords


Re: password vs pass-phrase

Why not "Correct Horse Battery Staple"?

Quick psychology lesson: If you say "password", people avoid the space like the plague. But for the machine, the space character is a special character just like !@#$ etc.

If you go over to the various "check the security of your password" web sites, you can easily achieve a very secure password just by using space, i.e. passphrase. As long as the hackers use the same thinking as those web sites, this password is even secure for realz.

My personal rules: 1: make it as long as possible. 2. make it nonsensical. 3. use space – for now.

These are the important ones. Additionally, you can advice people to use wrong spelling, or special characters, or replacement of characters (! for i, @ for a), but keep it memorable. All those techniques won't do if you cannot remember if you exchanged the second i with ! or the first the next time you log on. Or did I replace the i with |?

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