Reply to post: Re: Not IT-related

Boss made dirt list of minions' mistakes, kept his own rampage off it

Mark York 3 Silver badge

Re: Not IT-related

I did a HNC in electronics along with others who wanted to upgrade our C&G\ONC qualifications.

A friend of mine was a ex-TV repair guy & told the story about setting up the pots on a replacement board with his hand adjacent to the HT & how his watch strap delivered the full experience to his person when it made contact.

The amount of skin he tore off his bare arm from the solder joints as he extracted his arm hurriedly was quite impressive as he stood there shaking & dripping blood on the customers carpet.

An ex-employer decided it was a good idea to mess around with three phase (he wasn't a electrician, but a salesman), the scars formation around his eyes would tell you how lucky he was to be wearing glasses at that moment.

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