Reply to post: Re: There wouldn't be such a push to kill neutrality...?

While you're preparing to carve Thanksgiving turkey, the FCC will be slicing into net neutrality


Re: There wouldn't be such a push to kill neutrality...?

The problem here is the near monopoly in regards to ISP provision in large parts of the US.

You don't need any form of net neutrality regulation if you have a healthy amount of competition, because then the various nasty things that not being neutral can be tested with real customers, to see if they walk to other ISPs or not.

However, if you only have 1-2 options for ISP, and they both decide to throttle your access to streaming TV if you don't pay extra, you are basically screwed.

So, if the plan is to fix the massive monopolies, then you can go without NN, however with the monopolies in place then you need to regulate how much they are allowed to screw their locked in customers.

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