Reply to post: "At-scale deployment to provide the evidence that AVs are safe for at-scale deployment"

Level 5 driverless cars by 2021 can be done, say Brit industry folk

John Smith 19 Gold badge

"At-scale deployment to provide the evidence that AVs are safe for at-scale deployment"

When he puts it like that it does seem kind of dumb, does it not?

If you're going to spend > £q/2 Bn on UK roads perhaps rolling out more of the electric car charging infrastructure you're so keen on would be a better use?

My instinct is this will start with HGV delivery vehicles running well defined, mostly main roads between ports and distribution warehouses. The use case is fairly well defined, the sites are not worst case traffic and there is a significant financial incentive to do so. So I'd expect Amazon to be in the forefront of this.

BTW would an HGV driver not driving but sitting at the wheel counts as part of their "hours worked"? If not they can work longer hours, potentially eliminating one or two of them per environment.

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