Reply to post: Re: backward compatibility NOT a thing with Micro-shaft

Windows Update borks elderly printers in typical Patch Tuesday style

BinkyTheMagicPaperclip Silver badge

Re: backward compatibility NOT a thing with Micro-shaft

It's hardly colluding between MS and the driver creators. MS gave manufacturers a huge amount of notice the driver model was changing, the manufacturers decided it wasn't economic to create new drivers. In a minority of cases MS realised the hardware was so widespread that drivers simply had to be available.

For a 3K printer, which you'd normally still be paying a service charge on, it's unforgivable the manufacturer wouldn't support it. I don't see why MS should code a driver for what would be an extremely small market, and the manufacturer probably wouldn't appreciate them doing so either, if they're taking the foolish line on pushing new hardware.

Also, saying 'Anything that causes the OS to stop doing what it should be doing' is an error is far too simplistic. Windows 10, 8.1 with certain patches, and possibly 7 too(?) no longer run certain games with specific copy protection. This is because the copy protection made the whole system less stable and secure, so stopping certain games running was deemed better than affecting the entire system.

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