Reply to post: Unfriendly Linux users

Munich council: To hell with Linux, we're going full Windows in 2020


Unfriendly Linux users

I guess I'm one of those grumps. And there are a bunch of Linux Enterprise-oriented distros that are in very much mainstream use.

But I'd have to say that USUALLY, answers abound in the Linux forums. There are some bullies and people full of themselves. Have you looked at Windows forums though?? Pointless bickering is apparently the main currency of the online world.

At least when I go searching for an answer on a Linux forum, I can usually sort out the problem. I'm so sick of reading the stock answers on Windows forums. "Scan your PC for viruses." "Do an in-place reinstall of Windows" "Have you tried these 19 useless steps? -- Corollary: 19 users saying "None of these steps worked for me." And this after finding the first 50 or so results of your web search contain crap like "Driver Manager", "Nevergonnawork Fixit Tool", etc. Even MS's own Fixits are often pretty useless.

FYI, I support Windows machines all day long for my day job.

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