Reply to post: There are already so many other ways to plug this fiscal hole.

BT plots to slash pension benefits for 32,000 staff

Anonymous Coward

There are already so many other ways to plug this fiscal hole.

1) Start charging employees for bringing laptop and other bags into the office

2) Cut real estate expenses by moving employee workspaces closer together, since any international airline knows the average person is OK being in a confined space with 20 inches of legroom for 12 hours.

3) Form a queue at the office entrance, and charge those that want to be at the front of the line to enter the building early for the right to do that.

4) Employees who choose to be at the back of the line are still expected to produce the same amount of work as those at the front.

5) No lunch break or meal facilities, but a server with a cart comes by every couple hours to give employees a glass of water or juice and a bag of peanuts or pretzels.

6) Employees can also buy adult beverages, but they will need cash and it will cost them well above market.

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