Reply to post: Re: Chrome?

Firefox 57: Good news? It's nippy. Bad news? It'll also trash your add-ons


Re: Chrome?


sure, so the browser doesn't but nearly every site you go to does, with its cookies, its adwords, its ties to everything else google, so that the browser itself only does the fetching, but its fetching everything from google (yes, not literally but figuratively with so many others pulling bits and pieces from google).

I'm in the camp that says Firefox ESR 45.9 was my last version and looking to migrate to forks.

why? In the early days we taught users "look at the address / url bar" .. "look at the status bar" .. these are areas that will hold valuable information.

Ever since Chrome appeared, and had its agenda of dumb-ing it down, things have gotten worse for the conscious user.

I have the statusbar visible .. why? because I can get an instant status without mouse over (which too many of those bs web-apps require. I look down I see what level of encryption this site uses, I see the current weather cloud, I see my ABP & Scriptish icons, unobtrusively off to the sides of said status bar.. they aren't squeezing the address bar, and yet they are instantly visible with simple tap if needing to disable stomething quickly. I see that Forecast Fox (fix edition) just updated from cloud to cloud with rain .. seeing that *now* could hover over the radar for more information .. but I don't have to and I valuable information without the hovers and clicks..

Would love the speed of the new browser .. but I'd rather fit and functionality and lose some peed .speed

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