Reply to post: Re: Supporting legacy addons is not the real problem here

Firefox 57: Good news? It's nippy. Bad news? It'll also trash your add-ons


Re: Supporting legacy addons is not the real problem here

> because the new API simply won't let you modify the browser to the same extent.

see, the funny thing is that I am thinking "reduced attack surface" when I read that.

YMMV, but I'll add that I haven't seen fit to downvote a single poster critical of FF's decision here. I understand that removing legacy support is something that people have strong, justified, viewpoints about. I just happen to disagree with keeping the old come what may in this case, because a I want a simpler, leaner, browser more than compatibility. And if Pale Moon gains as a project from this... nothing wrong with diversity in browser codebases either.

Downvote away, if you must.

p.s. yeah, my position would be different if NoScript was really dead, but that's not true - it's coming soon and the author seemed happy with simpler FF baseline code.

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