Reply to post: Re: RiscOS

Qualcomm is shipping next chip it'll perhaps get sued for: ARM server processor Centriq 2400

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: RiscOS

I don't think I've ever been more efficient in terms of how quickly I coded and produced real results than I did back in the day with my expanded BBC Micro Model B, followed by up my Archimedes running RiscOS. Odd, considering how long things took to load, looking back.

I put it down to those excellent classic' assembly/architecture System User Guide manuals.

A switch to Windows became a life of faffing and clunky updates that seemed to take most of my time firefighting problems. For something that was sold as increasing the productivity of processes, it's sure not looking that way of late for Windows.

Windows 10 'best version ever'* does seem to be finally settling into place, but then MS have been saying that for the last 20 years. *Microsoft's interpretation not mine.

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