Reply to post: Root Cause: HAIRBALL Systems Design

Marissa! Mayer! pulled! out! of! retirement! to! explain! Yahoo! hack! to! Senators!

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Root Cause: HAIRBALL Systems Design

Too many people in Software Engineering still think they need the latest and greatest third-party library in their projects. Nah - a dozen of them !

So they have

+ TLS mumbo-jumbo, so complex nodboy gets it right (non exploitable bugs) for a decade.

- OpenSSL with 400k Lines of Code and probably 10000 exploitable bugs. Nobody bothered to find them for a decade

- Apache Struts with 280k Lines of Code and lots of exploitable bugs. Also, decade-old exploitable stuff in there.

- Linux kernel with 11 million lines of Code and exploitable bugs in things like gethostbyname()

So, what to do ?

I suggest to radically rethink what we do and go for much leaner and easy-to-understand/easy-to-analyze systems. E.g.

+seL4 OS( with just 40k lines of code ! Attempted correctness proof.

+MST crypto library( with less than 1k lines of code at the core

+ INRIA CompCert C compiler( - 90k lines of code and correctness proven.

And if that is "too technical" for the manager types, they should better educate themselves on the subject.

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