Reply to post: Re: Attention Test Required

Bored 'drivers' pushed Google Waymo into ditching autopilot tech


Re: Attention Test Required

It's a good idea but the thing is you can get away with that if you're writing code for a company to be used by employees. They know they're there to work so if you add (what seems like) a condescending we-don't-believe-you-can-pay-attention-unless-watched test then they put up with it because they want to get paid. If you're selling a product to people it's a very different relationship. If you lock them out of a feature of their car, which they have paid for because they failed your test, they are going to go nuts.

Like I say, it's a good idea but it's just not going to fly. If that means that we go straight to level 4 and it takes a few extra years, then that's what has to happen.

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