Reply to post: @The idiot ... Re: Hmmm...

Take off, ya hosers! Silicon Valley court says Google can safely ignore Canadian search ban

Ian Michael Gumby

@The idiot ... Re: Hmmm...

Not quite.

You have a company in Canada who manufactures a product where someone is selling a knock off product that is questionable and harming the brand. (Not that I ever heard of these guys...)

While on the surface of your argument ... that this becomes a jurisdictional issue and a Canadian Court has no jurisdiction in the US... it would make sense.

However, you have some other things that need to be considered.

WTO gets involved because its a question of selling a knock-off.

The Canadian company could take their win in Canada and then sue Google in the US. Provided that the company has a distributor or distributors in the US. The the company can sue Google in the US.

IMHO Google will lose.

The problem is that the company tried to shorten the process and it cost them.

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