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Forget One Windows, Microsoft says it's time to modernize your apps

ChrisC Silver badge

This is just one of the reasons why I consider the VC#2008 installer one of the most valuable bits of data in my personal archive - not only is is pretty much the last version that provided a decent UI of its own before thing started going downhill towards the monochromatic flatness hell we currently inhabit in Windows-land, it's also old enough to not have the ability to even suggest that I ought to try creating anything that might resemble a TIFKAM UI.

Free Pascal + Lazarus is also a good bet if you want to remain firmly old-school when it comes to developing desktop code, particularly if your path to developing Windows applications began with dabbling in Delphi, as well as if you really don't want to be dealing with any of the stuff in .net that tries to protect you from yourself and just want to hack out a quick and dirty bit of code in 5 minutes to do one simple task.

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