Reply to post: Re: Does Microsoft's approach not imply...

You're doing open source wrong, Microsoft tsk-tsk-tsks at Google: Chrome security fixes made public too early


Re: Does Microsoft's approach not imply...

>You do know

I'll bite. I do know git, somewhat, as a git user, not admin.

So I'd read the OPs remark as valid, unless you can have a private work branch to a public github, which was asked on SO before: no. Remember too : that private "view" needs to be writeable by many, we're not talking about keeping local changes private on people's branches.

I get what the OP is saying, at least in terms of intent rather than git mechanics. From you, I see a one line snarky answer that may or may not be right but is certainly not informative. Enlighten us, if you can.

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