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Super Cali goes ballistic, small-cell law is bogus. School IT outsourcing is also... quite atrocious

Alan Brown Silver badge

"However if you've never had the displeasure of working with a city authority in California it's hard to understand just how absurdly obtuse they could be."

The Land of the Free has some of the most complex, inane and bureaucratic sets of rules on the planet, with overlapping sets of government full of jobsworths who make Vogons seem pleasant to work with.

For a country which raves about its freedoms the amazing thing is how few the citizenry actually _has_.

Seriously, doing business in almost every other part of the world is a breeze compared to doing almost anything in the USA, but on the other hand if you're a large business there you frequently have the ability to steamroller just about everything in your path and due process/civil rights be damned.

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