Reply to post: Re: Why does anyone care about wifi security?

WPA2 KRACK attack smacks Wi-Fi security: Fundamental crypto crapto

Adam 1

Re: Why does anyone care about wifi security?

Do you care if someone prints to your printer? Or starts sniffing about to see what might be protected by some ancient long broken Windows authentication scheme? Some of us live on oppressive regimes like Australia and the UK that collect "metadata" from every website you visit because, you know, terrorists. The sort of people who would want to exploit this are no doubt going to be doing things I don't want to go through my connection. Do you really want your media centre indexing the folders of media that they might have on their public share? Didn't think so.

And on your other question, if had need to buy dirty sugar water and use their internet, my VPN is definitely ON with local traffic denied.

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