Reply to post: Re: What data did DOJ seek?

Supreme Court to rule on whether US has right to data stored overseas

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: What data did DOJ seek?

I'm surprised they only used a run-of-the-mill drugs case, rather than try to find some juicy child abuse imagery. MS wouldn't wan't to fight that one too hard in court, it's just terrible press.

The problem with CP cases is that it tends to push towards an exception status because of all the emotion and politics involved. The fact that the DoJ have indeed avoided that easy route suggests they're seeking to establish a fairly low bar for the international overreach they're trying to engineer.

In my opinion, if we consider the current makeup of the Supreme Court and the dire state of the US Presidency I reckon the DoJ is going to win this one. If you haven't already (to remove any risk of non-GDPR compliance), I would recommend considering other facilities than, for instance, Microsoft of Google mail - going local instead also leaves some of your money in your own economy.

In the case of Gmail, the good news is that if you know what you're doing, it's actually cheaper if you have more than 4 members of staff enrolled. Don't know about Microsoft, as we detected alleged "EU only" traffic spooling via US resources we didn't even bother trying any further.

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