Reply to post: Re: Pointless

Whose drone is that? DJI unveils UAV traffic tracking system

Mike007 Bronze badge

Re: Pointless

If this were mandated in all drones, then I would argue that people willing to solder wires etc to re-flash with modified firmware or whatever is required are not the "target audience". You can build a drone yourself without this "feature" if you have the time.

The major problem at the moment is that people can walk in to a shop, buy a drone for £40 and just start flying it. I will admit that when I got a £40 one stuck in a tree, my response was to head back to the shop I got it from and purchase a replacement + a spare "in case it happened again". (I did recover the original, and now have 3 identical ones as I haven't lost one since... but I can see how that thought process could apply to others - don't downvote my honesty!)

If this functionality were standardised then it would be reasonably easy to establish a strict-liability offence of flying a drone without a compliant beacon containing valid contact details.

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