Reply to post: Re: please

Footie ballsup: Petition kicks off to fix 'geometrically impossible' street signs

Not also known as SC

Re: please

@Steve Davies 3

Don't forget the bi-annual clock changing welly wangling that we go through

Don't worry - we have the Independent to help us tell if our phones have updated correctly with advice like

The clocks went back overnight. But did your clocks go back?

In the age of smartphones, smart TVs and smart home appliances, changing the clocks is at once much easier but more stressful. Almost everything adjusts automatically – but how can you be sure that it has?

The easiest way to know whether everything has updated is to check it against something authoritative, like the TV news.

and virtually the very same article about clocks going forward but this time published 10th March 2017, two weeks early ... The clocks went forward overnight. But did your clocks go forward?"

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