Reply to post: Re: Driving at less than the speed limit

Tarmac for America's self-driving car future is being laid right now

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Driving at less than the speed limit

I've been doing that for around 10 years now. Saves a fortune in Petrol.

Sometimes you want to just enjoy the drive/ride and make it last longer.

Not everyone needs to get from A to B in as short a time as possible ALL OF THE TIME.

This past week, I've been riding around Brittany on a Motorcycle. Most of the time I ride off the main 'N' roads the exception being the N164. The roads are almost devoid of traffic in the middle of the area. The road surface is brilliant (far better than in Blighty) so cruising at 80-85kph is very enjoyable.

Driving at under the speed limit is also a lot less stressful.

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