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¡Dios mío! Spain blocks DNS to hush Catalonian independence vote sites


"A government using blocking set up for terrorists and copyright for something else."

A Catalan government that uses children by moving them out of schools to attend to demonstrations of protest in the street... Unbelievable.

A Catalan government that uses public funds to organize a referendum that has been prohibited by Spain Constitutional Court (equivalent of US Supreme Court).

You all have to know that the Constitution of Spain stablishes that Spain is ONE SOVEREIGN PEOPLE and ONE SOVEREIGN NATION; This means that no region can assume the sovereignty of the whole Spain People and organize a referendum to decide their auto-determination. THIS IS THE LAW.

I can expose a million more rational arguments as the above... anyway I would like to ask you to not to express such opinions without having the whole picture.

Half-true facts are complete lies, someone stated.

Sorry if my english is not good enough to express complex thoughts, not my natural language.

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