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The power JavaScript: 'Gandalf of JS' Wirfs-Brock on ECMAscript 2017

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"As it has a very low bar to use on the browser...."

Right there is the problem! jquery users who have no real footwork with memory managemen. Let us generalize that "low bar".

Have you ever noticed how anything graphically intense rendered by the browser isn't running in js? The bar isn't low, it might be as high as it gets in pure js. In fact, js performs so terribly slow as DOM reflow/repaint is a horrible design (no, I sadly don't have a better solution), they had to invent "workers" to make any real interaction even tolerable. So, maybe the bar isn't low or high, maybe it just doesn't exist.

"That enabling immediate response to users..."

Again, a jquery comment. The problem is your just bloating the browers references for what... drop down menus? The heart of interactive js can't be done with jquery (even jquery devs understand that, regardless of the newer native methods). Once you try to do actual interactive designs in js you will understand why strict libraries like ASM.js have arose (and will undoubtedly be replaced by Mozzilla's push).

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