Reply to post: Re: shouldn't change things"

Linux-loving lecturer 'lost' email, was actually confused by Outlook


Re: shouldn't change things"

and after you'd hit the brake instead of the accellerator you were told you should have practised more before going out on the road

We had to read a book called "you and your first motorcycle' when I got my license. They recommended exactly this - get to know the controls of any new vehicle before taking it out on the road. Was also taught that when handling heavy machinery. When I trained for my HT license we did all the training OFF the road so when we were first on the road with 11 tonne of plaything, we at least were familliar with the vehicle and controls.

Not a bad idea to familiarise yourself with a new vehicle in the carpark rather than a few milliseconds before you discover the location of that parked car....

And in many ways a car is a good example, because basically the user interface isn't very good and it would be quite possible to improve it, but...

In one day I've driven 2 seperate tracked vehicles with differnt controls, driven a small-but-utterly-shiite truck, and ridden a motorbike. Had no issues with the different controls, perhaps because they were very different.


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