Reply to post: Re: So don't review them

Don’t fear the software shopkeeper: T&Cs banning bad reviews aren’t legal in America

JulieM Silver badge

Re: So don't review them

You overestimate people, if you think they won't buy software subject to egregious terms and conditions of use, even despite any merit they may falsely ascribe to such conditions.

People are still buying software without the Source Code, for crying out loud. And the only reason why anyone would conceal Source Code from users is to disguise what a crock of shit they believe it to be. (I'm proud of the code I write, and I'll gladly show it to anyone; I believe that's what the youth of today refer to as "owning it".)

In some cases, they even look past software whose Source Code is made available to them in favour of inferior software made available in binary form only without Source Code. It's the old "I don't see why I need it, therefore nobody needs it" fallacy.

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