Reply to post: Re: It only needs to semi automate the process

UK Prime Minister calls on internet big beasts to 'auto-takedown' terror pages within 2 HOURS


Re: It only needs to semi automate the process

Also consider that I have not yet seen any assembly of moderators on any forum that didn't have one or more delusional egomaniacs thinking they're there to Vanquish All Evil In The World (for their own arbitrary definition of evil, ToS be damned - May is a fine example to give you an idea) single-handedly, first on the list being anyone who dares to even think (let alone try to voice - I say "try" because they get insta-banned before succeeding) that said mod might possibly be wrong and abusive. The mere fact that they've been granted power is the only celestial sign they need as proof that they're meant to wield that power whichever way they see fit, as long as it's hard and swift. Only everyone else can possibly be wrong - and they ALL ARE.

Now, faced with the statistical inevitability of facing one of these regularly, are you still keen on uploading trying to upload anything...?

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