Reply to post: Re: Oh really?

DRM now a formal Web recommendation after protest vote fails

tom dial Silver badge

Re: Oh really?

Circumventing DRM may be a criminal offense. That is a problem with laws such as DMCA in the US. The incentive to apply DRM is a result of copyright law and exacerbated by its grant (in the US) of practically unlimited duration as against the much more limited grant probably envisioned in the US Constitution and implemented in early copyright law.

The blame belongs with the governments that authorize it, not the organizations that establish technical standards and the businesses that implement the standards or use the implemented DRM to protect their copyrighted material. Going after the standards organizations and the DRM developers and users is misplaced and diverts activity from the appropriate target.

The choice is not whether there will be DRM, but how many implementations there will be and how long it will be usable by copyright holders. The real question is whether copyright law distributes benefits justly among the creators and consumers of copyrightable material. That is not something for the W3C but for the governments that enact copyright laws.

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